I just read a great article from Wired about how there comes a point when you have too many people following, in your community, etc. and the conversation essentially shuts down due to lack of intimacy, beginning to second guess posts, etc. But, then, with a much larger number, there’s no conversation to spoil so there remains value. Basically, the middle ground with tens of thousands followers is not a great place to be.
Being the nerd I am, I thought I’d try to graph this. Not sure it helps, but certainly worth the discussion.
Very off topic, but I wondered if anyone has any thoughts about the recent Sophos study of 500 cos that showed a 70% increase in spam/malware attacks on cos?
maybe an overlap for this chart could be community on the left and audience on the right?
Hi-Wanted to share an article about "Web 2.0 Suicide". The population of Facebook may well exceed that of the United States and growing all the time, but a new tool has emerged which hints at a groundswell of disaffection against social networks. Interesting read highlights a growing backlash against the prevalence of social media platforms in our daily lives and the emergence of a movement telling others to commit Web 2.0 suicide - http://bit.ly/d3zE5b
Basically, the middle free instagram followers bot ground with tens of thousands followers is not a great place to be.
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