Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Some quick resources

First off, I’m thrilled to have met you all last night. Everyone seems to be coming at the subject with very unique and interesting perspectives, which means we all have a lot to share with each other and even more opportunities to learn.

I’m truly excited!!

Secondly, I wanted to share a couple of resources with you to help with your first assignment. If you want to check out site traffic (including blogs) here are a couple of places:
- Google Ad Planner (www.google.com/adplanner/) - you’ll need a gmail account to access. Play around with it, it tends to be pretty self-explanatory, but not everything is intuitive. So, feel free to send any questions my way.
- Technorati (http://technorati.com/)

Social Media Cases and Resources. A couple of you had mentioned some resources in class, so feel free to repost below. Here are a couple of others just based on a quick Google search:

Finally, I’m going to add a little bit about some basics of using social media for marketing/pr/etc to our discussion on Wednesday to help give you guys a bit of context and a foundation for your first assignment.

In the meantime, let me know if you have any thoughts or questions.


Unknown said...

Facebook has a tool to measure buzz (wall posts). It may not be the most accurate but better than nothing: http://www.facebook.com/lexicon/

Unknown said...

Saw this on Twitter today: some ways to measure social media. May be helpful for our final assignment. www.marketersstudio.com/2009/11/100-ways-to-measure-social-media-.html

Unknown said...

Haven't watched them -*yet- but TED talks are always interesting and insightful - and this one includes Clay Shirky as well. Have a look! http://mashable.com/2010/02/08/ted-talks-social-meida/